1 comentario en «Portada del 1 de diciembre de 2021»

  1. Virginia Delgado Taverna | el 2 diciembre, 2021 a las 4:41 pm | Responder

    Can I please have digital access to an article written about my aunts and uncles in the December 1st 2021 issue of La Higuerita,on page 11, entitled, “Hace 50 anos se inauguro la Cafeteria Isla Cristina, lugar de encuentro de cuantos islenos llegaban a Madrid” by Rafael Lopez Ortega. I live in the USA and my father Vincent Delgado Arroyo is Cayetano Delgado Arroyo’s brother. I want to share this article with my cousins in Spain who I don’t get to visit with that often. Thank you for your help with this matter.

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